Our members are what make CSC the wonderfully engaging, diverse, supportive, and fun club that it is. We’re excited that you’re considering becoming a member and look forward to learning more about you and your Schipperkes.
Email the corresponding secretary to get an application or fill out the form below. Applicants are accepted/approved quarterly, and annual dues are $25 for individuals or $45 for families. You do not need to own a schipperke to be a member. Applicants may contact the Corresponding Secretary at any time to inquire on their application status.
“As a member of the CSC I have had many awesome adventures going back to the fun matches at [CSC Founder Don Nielsen’s] homes, including his gorgeous house in the mountains near Front Royal…I have remained a member in order to keep in contact with all the wonderful people who are owned by this incredible breed.” ~ Pat Small, CSC member since 1986

“I feel very grateful for all the friends I’ve made while working with my dogs, including those in the Colonial Schipperke Club. In 2014, two CSC members even let my three dogs stay with them for a month when I was getting medical treatment.” ~ Judith Swan, CSC member since the mid 1990s
“The CSC SchipNics have always been my Schipperkes’ favorite activities. They love getting together with other Schips to run and play. And they sleep well in the car on the way home.” ~ Carol Burnett, member since 2001.