Show Chair – Carie Wohl
CSC exhibitors were:
- Rose Ellen Stone & JoAnn Giovinetti with Deep Sea Black Eyed Pea (Fergie);
- Sherry Pullen, Kitty Pullen & Mary Ann Simanek with GCHS CH Aned’s Blaise CD BN RE FDC DCAT CGCA TKA ATT (Rascal)
- Cathy Thistle, Dena Barcellona, and Carie Wohl with CH Foxnoir Santana RN FDC CGC TKN (Carlos)
- Cathy Thistle, Dena Barcellona, and Carie Wohl with Foxnoir Enchanted Coquette RN FDC DCAT CGC TKN (Coquette)
- Carie Wohl and April de Bremond with GCH CH Enchanted Lady Liberty FCAT2 CGCA TKN (Elle)
- Carie Wohl with Foxnoir Enchanted Prince of Tails FCAT CGC (Captain Morgan)
- Rose Ellen Stone and Jo Ann Giovinetti with GCH CH Deep Sea Black Pearl (Olive)
Here are the results, Schip, and owner(s) for the regular classes:
Best of Breed – GCHG CH Whispering Pines Lover Boy BCAT DM DS owned by Jessica Plourde & Kent & Robin Mafarlane
Best of Opposite Sex – Elle
Select Bitch – CH Fullmoon Little Ray of Sunshine owned by Kristin Morrison and Katharine Baptiste
Best Puppy – CH Whispering Pines Deliverance At Foxfyre owned by Robin MacFarlane and Jessica Plourde
Results of the Sweepstakes classes:
Best Veteran in Sweepstakes – Rascal
Best of Opposite Sex in Veterans Sweepstakes – Elle
Best in Sweepstakes – Oasis In It To Win It With Delamer, owned by Larry Wolfe, Melanie Pacanowski, and Krista Nuovo-Roe